the medium
the massage


no matter
the medium;
the pattern is universal


a new coat of paint
over the same big picture

the phone.
is an extension of the computer.
is an extension of the television.
is an extension of the the radio.
is an extension of the newspaper.
is an extension of the book.
is an extension of the painting
is an extension of the sculpture.
is an extension of the dance.
is an extension of the song.
is an extension of the language.
is an extension of the alphabet.
is an extension of the mouth, eye, ear;
is an extension of the brain,
it all conveys information.

signals to our brain, to a computer,
to a television, to a radio,
all communicating simple things.

but with simplicity,

you can build up to



education. the act of learning something new for the pursuit of knowledge. design. the audacity to create something new with the human brain, to pursue something that has previously not existed in this world. to play god with the tools given to us, as simple as they are. evolution. the work of starting from scratch, atom by atom, to cell, to organism, to species, to continue growth and learning to adapt to the world around us. to play god with the tools given to us, as simple as they are, and instead of listening to the rules of nature, adapting the world around us. communication. to learn how to convey ideas to a cause greater than ourselves, to leave a legacy beyond our own lifespan, to work on an issue that might work over multiple human lifespans. to learn and to teach, to pass onto new generations is to create the next stage of evolution. an arms race of knowledge, exponentially growing as opposed to traditional evolution where the general public grows together. people can, and will be left behind with education, through small groups and closed circles. to create artificial intelligence, and centralize what has previously been gatekept, is to create a weapon with knowledge. every individuals ai will enable them to work faster, harder, better, smarter, and use it and train it as a private tool for their use. this inequality of education, is just another medium, but each medium creates a more complex message. the core of communication remains the same, but these letters and numbers form together in complex patterns capable of new levels of interpretation. each medium represents a different era of history, a different style of communication, instrinsical to our evolution as a species, and as a society as a whole. even in our moments of closed off information, like the dark ages, there was still a forwards progression, just hidden from the masses. some mediums are open source, some are closed off, but they all continue to evolve and work towards designing, and redesigning what already exists as a further reinvention of the world as a whole. the medium is the massage.

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