About our page

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Welcome to our world XD

THE PROJECT: Our project is based on 'One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age Photo Op’. which is an active and ongoing project by Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied, where screenshots of archived GeoCities pages are generated and posted on Tumblr from oldest to newest. These pages were the first areas of the internet where people could express themselves, which resulted in a lot of very personalized, random, and eclectic pages.

The pages are inspired by various geocities pages we found on 'One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age’, Neocities (spiritual successor to geocities), and Cameron’s World, a project/ "web collage" by designer Cameron Askin that captures the intensity of animated Geocities. He was also inspired by the One Terabyte project to put this together, and by clicking on various images, different Geocities sites that correspond with the images pop up.

The frames are taken from a Neocities page by Melonking, where he has collected over 40k gifs on the internet in the format of a gallery, with framed gifs that you can browse through endlessly. Visit Here


My name is Angelique. I am writing this. I am also very tired right now! I have a pug, who I also wrote about.

Matt is also on this website. Yay matt.